Reasons for a Tummy Tuck


A tummy tuck is the hip description of abdominoplasty surgery. This surgery greatly helps in repairing the separated or widened gap that has formed between the rectus abdominal muscles, which converge in the middle line of the abdomen. The gap comes about from some congenital defects in certain individuals. By correcting these defects, this particular surgery helps in alleviating or relieving lower back pain. This kind of pain is called Kyphosis. Tummy tuck honolulu surgery results in the muscle strengthening, thus eliminating this Kyphosis.

The discovery of this positive effect of tummy tucks came from the feedback gathered from patients who had undergone it. It was by chance. It was found that re-tightening of the abdominal muscles after they had relaxed resulted in stronger rectus abdominal muscles, which provided a secure back support structure. The lower abdomen can also be referred to as the internal corset, whose muscles are interconnected with the internal and external oblique muscles. They are deployed when rotating the pelvis, thus ensuring the entire muscle network provides enough support to the back. When these muscles are loose, there occurs severe pain in the lower back. This medical condition is called Kyphosis.

There are other procedures that can be used to relieve back pain. A tummy tuck is not the only way, and its positive medical effects are desirable but not the primary reason. Most people do tummy tucks to eliminate excess skin and fat from their abdomen area, thus improving their looks. The resultant tightness and support for the spine and whole back is the positive medical side effect. It ensures a stable torso, which leads to the relief of pain.

This procedure will deliver the body you desire to have. After giving birth for women, or other individuals who may have a lot of weight or skin in their abdominal area will opt for this procedure. The resultant flat belly is highly sought after by those looking to improve their bodies regarding appearance. This procedure also ensures that afterward, most people will be motivated to stick with a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine, to maintain their newly found attractiveness. It is also very helpful to those who are obese and thus consider themselves unsuitable for socialization. This procedure helps to boost their self-confidence and allow them to lead normal social lives. They also grow healthier psychologically and acquire a fairer perspective on life.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are not comfortable with the amount of fat and skin in your abdominal area, it may be a good idea to invest in this procedure. Those who have chronic back pain are especially advised t consult their breast augmentation honolulu doctors to see how much this procedure will alleviate this pain.

Health Benefits Associated With Tummy Truck


This is a type of surgery where it is used to remove some parts of excess skin and fat in the abdomen area. This type of surgery is commonly known as abdominoplasty. The surgery is also used to tighten loose muscles in your body, mostly in the abdomen area. Most of the people in this era undergo through the process for the cosmetic purpose. The results of this surgery are that your tummy will appear flat and more appealing. Most of the people opt for the surgery due to various reasons such as to fit on their wedding gowns while others go for the surgery after excessive weight loss that leaves the skin sagging. If you want to restore your body figure after giving birth, checking on your diet and doing some workouts, will not give you the actual desired figure, you need to go for an abdominoplasty. Though tummy tuck is commonly referred to as cosmetic surgery, it also has some health benefits.

Treat Stress Urinary Incontinence

Most of the women are known to conceive through vaginal birth. During this process, some women become unfortunate and develop Stress Urinary Incontinence. This is a condition where you are unable to control your bladder, and there are some leakages especially when you are coughing. Though this condition can be treated without surgery, it takes longer to full recovery. For severe cases, it is recommended you undergo through abdominoplasty. Tummy tuck surgery is also known to help in solving SUI condition. This operation ought to be performed by a professional liposuction honolulu surgeon.

Better posture

After multiple pregnancies or extreme weight loss, you will realize that much of your abdomen skin is sagging. Having excess sagging skin and weak abdominal muscles can result in a condition known as lordosis. When you get this condition chances are you will regularly suffer from some back pains whenever you change your posture. When you detect these symptoms, it is recommended you go for an abdominoplasty. This will help in tightening your stomach muscles. This will help you to stand straight for long without your back paining. Tummy tuck is commonly known to help improve your posture.

Correction of Ventral Hernia

This is a condition that is caused by having weak abdominal muscles. This is where abdominal walls get pushed by the intestines. When you detect such a condition, you are required to go for a tummy tuck. This tummy tuck honolulu surgery will greatly help in correcting this condition. For correction of a ventral hernia, you need to go for the most qualified surgeon.

Medical Advantages of Getting a Tummy Tuck


When it comes to plastic surgery, there are all kinds of contradictions and contentions as to whether there are benefits of certain procedures. While some people get some procedures done simply for cosmetic reasons, it is important to understand that some of these procedures have many underlying medical benefits. For example, one of the procedures many people like going for, particularly the women, is a tummy tuck. Detailed below are some of the many medical benefits of having this done.

Correction of Ventral Hernia

In the event that some abdominal tissue or the intestine breaks through one’s abdominal wall to form a sack or a pocket, then one is said to have experienced a ventral hernia. This condition, however, has a number of potential causes; some of them include abdominal weakness, which could result from a rapid loss of weight through things such as appendectomies and C-sections.

After developing a ventral hernia, it becomes very likely that it could happen another time. This risk can be effectively lowered and dealt with by having a liposuction honolulu surgeon perform abdominoplasty, which helps to prevent such occurrences in future by strengthening the walls.

Reduced Stress Urinary Incontinence

Giving birth is not an easy task. Sometimes many side effects can come about from either C-section or even vaginal birth. Sometimes, those who give birth through the regular method end up developing the problem of Stress Urinary Incontinence. This is a bladder control issue that ends up causing the woman uncontrolled leakage of urine. It is mostly triggered by sneezing, exercising, a cough, and laughter as well. Many of the times, this disorder can be treated without any surgical process being done. However, studies show that getting a tummy tuck can help patients recover from SUI effectively, particularly for patients who gave birth normally.

Helps Improve Posture and Abdominal Tone

When one has had many pregnancies or a rabid loss of weight, it is possible for the stomach muscles to be enlarged. Dieting and exercising is not enough to assist in such cases. However, with a tummy tuck, doctors are capable of systematically tightening the rather weak muscles through surgery. All this is done as the extra skin and fat is also done away with, and this helps to give the abdomen a flat look and feel. It is good to deal with abdominal muscles, which might be week because they can often lead to many health issues.

You need to make consultations with various tummy tuck honolulu doctors and also do your research well enough before you end up getting a tummy tuck, for whichever reason